Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing

To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise This to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison

Yo , ppl! Transformers 2 new trailer is released but unfortunately, I cannot upload it here as the youtube did not allow it and only other unclear versions are able to be uploaded. So i decided to post the link here ( ) rmbr to click HD * when watching for a better experience =) or u can just simply click on the right side of the blog.
( A screenshot )
Now in Transformers 1, teenager Sam Witwicky is caught between the war of DECEPTICONS and AUTOBOTS. The Decepticons come to Earth in search of the All Spark. To build and army of Decepticons with the machines from the earth. The first decepticon to attack was Blackout, trying to hack into the military to track the location of Megatron ( The Supreme Leader of Decepticons ). The good news is Megatron landed earlier than any other autobots, The bad news is he crash landed.. -.-

After Blackout's failure, the rest of the Decepticons started to mobilize with the help of Frenzy ( The cute little Decepticon ). Many Decpeticons were killed, including DEVASTATOR! ( Strangely, I did not know that Devastator was in Transformers 1 o.0 )

*Also, do note that in the movie, the line " Gentlemen, what you're about to see is totally classified.
Sam at the last moment, destroyed Megatron with the Allspark. ( Was sad that Megatron died =( ...)
~~~~ Some have come to protect us~~~~
~~~~ Most have come to destroy us~~~~

In the upcoming Transformers 2 : Revenge of the fallen one, Sam uncovers something about the Allspark and Megatron seems to be after " it " ( It refers to what Sam knows ) In the movie, Sam states: " Megatron wants what is in my mind! "

And for some crappy parts, Sam actually calls bumblebee with a nickname----- Bee!

Sam also moves to a new place, The mothes askes: " Look at this place~~ I am feeling smarter already, can u smell it? "

The dad replies: " Yeah, it smells like 40 thousand dollars a year" HAHA! that's FUNNY!!

Remember earlier I told you to take note of the classified thing? Coincidently, in this movie, there is a line similar to the previous one. Except that this one is funnier.

The guy from the military says: " What you're about to see is top secret, DO NOT tell my mother"

And you should see the way Megatron rises! Whoa!!! Cool man!

Lastly, It was stated that The FALLEN ( The first of the first Decpticon ) is also rising but not really shown in the trailer, but rather Megatron is showed along with alot other NEW Decepticons. How will the autobots and humans fight it through?
Yo, guys! I just found out something else about The Fallen, call me slow. I don't care.
The director described him as the ' Destruction of the world ' ( Apocalypse ). Also, another cool things is that HE IS SO FREAKING ABLE TO TELEPORT!! Damn it! What kind of transformer do that???? Wth? He is so awesome man! Now, I am thinking how the hell are the Autobots gonna win this war? Haha! In your face! Autobots! Guys out there, Ahem * Pointing out to the particular certain SOMEONE ( emphasis ), Do NOT ever forget that the Revenge is coming, very close.....

~~~~Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing~~~~

And I am planning to watch it with my friends ( hopefully can ) So I am gonna rate this movie 5 upon 5 ^^


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