Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing

To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise This to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison

Saturday, February 7, 2009

CNY Celebration in my sch

Hi Guys! Me and my friends went to celebrate CNY at out sch yesterday, 7 feb 2009. I decided to take photos with my friends and yeah, here they are. ( The guy standing in the middle didn't want to take photos at 1st but the girls persuaded him. Haha! ) * photos are not to be taken without permission *
Another shot with me and my friends! Haha!
My friends and their form teacher
Another shot with her form teacher =)
----Me, my friends and my teachers!-----
From the left: My previous maths teacher, Mr Yo. My classmate, Geraldine. Me. My friends, Sabina and Kokila
On top left to right : Me. My friend, Wei Jin. Mr Yo. Kokila, Sabina
Me and my friends =)
Me, My friends and my best english teacher, Mrs Mahinda!
Me and my enlgish teacher, Mrs Mahinda ! =)
Me and my friend, Yiok Yin. I wanted to take a photo with her previous costume, she was wearing a cuter costume. =( Nvm , at least i gotta a photo with her.
Random taken photo with a girl i don't know. Luv her fashion sense. *U can see from the way im standing, i was very tense. heehee
Me and " Cai Shen Ye ". It means God of Fortune in chinese. HAHA! im gonna get gd fortune this year thnx to him! Haha!


Anonymous said...

It looks kind of fun, what did your actually do there? ^^

and.. WOAH! Nortics!!! *fangirl screams* I like your blogskin! ^^

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