Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing

To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise This to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Photo Taking ( Domo- kun )

Yo ppl!!!! Our class were having this photo taking session and guess wad? We are allowed to bring anything for the photoshot! Haha! So, i brought my Vincent~~ Gakusei brought her Chibi Miku-Chan. Haha~~
What's the apple for? I am from class 4A and A = apple. Some of us even got the special emoticons created by our artist, Meryl. heehee! I got the domo emoticon.

I brought all these sticky's... Not for me but for my friend. LOL! My friends wanted me to help them buy some sticky! Haha! the lady at the sticky shop was so happy! haha ( PS: She was quite chio too )


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