Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing

To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise This to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hi guys! 2day, i saw noctis! he was going to the mrt station. HAHA!

actually he is not noctis, he is juz a guy who had his hair styled like noctis, and the hair looked excatly the same! I wanted to take photo but i didn't hav a fone at that point so i juz let him go. yah its kinda sad that i couldn't take his photo but its ok... If i am fated to meet him, i will meet him again. heehee

These are the pics of noctis. the one on the left is being done digitally and the one on the right is a cosplay of him. i think thats the best cosplay pic of Noctis i hav seen so far

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hi guys! 2day Me and my friend went to Sunshine plaza caz there were quite a few Figure Shops at thr. At 1st, when me and my fren, " Noctis " went in, we were like " OH MY GOD! this is HEAVEN! we were abt TO FAINT! haha!

Out of all the shops thr, there was this shop that caught my attention. It was the only shop that was selling ONLY gundam figures. me and my fren saw many cool figures and my favourite figure is STRIKE FREEDOM! it was so COOL, NICE and cool!

OMG! if oni i can getit..... anyways, tis is the pic of that figure box.

Hi Guys! I went to NAFA 2day with my classmates. It was kinda fun, whr we got to learn more about ARTS! heehee! Anyways, the oni thing tt was intresting was tis thing called " Printmaking " .
It was some kind of art whr u play wif some fun things like paints, photo printing and stuffs.

They decided to give us their sample products of printmaking. So here it is...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fate of a bird

i was walking to my class a few days ago, and as i was climbing up the stairs, i saw two gals walking up the stairs too. Guess wad happen? the gals stepped on the bird! !@#$% the bird was lyk struggling. i felt like scolding the gals but i stopped myself. so i decided to go back to my class, put my bag at my class, then run for its rescue. BUT, when i was running to rescue the bird, the bird wasn't thr anymore.

i feel so sad for the bird. I wonder wad happened to the bird..... Hopefully it escaped

I was thinking tt if only i rescued the bird right at the moment i saw it, it might have survived... HAIZ~~~ life goes on~~~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Game is Life?

i was reading the courses available on poly. as i was reading, i saw tis course where u will handling things abt gaming and stuffs. i was lyk WOW! Imagine ur life is juz gaming and gaming only. HAHA, its kinda gd news for those who are addicted to games. so maybe u guys can check it out.

Anyways, i used to play a game called " RAKION ". i think the game is very fun caz when u play tis game u nid to be smart enough to predict ur opponents next moves etc...

But i wasn't gd in it, im juz a begginner. although i wasn't gd in it, i enjoyed myself though. I hav stopped playing the game caz i nid to prepare for my " O " lvl tis year. HAHA.
Tt's all for now, gd bye!

hi guys. im gonna " elaborate " more abt my yu-gi-oh cards i have treasured so much. Actually, my cards were sold away to a " karang guni " guy without my permission! do u noe how much the cards worth? i wasted quite alot money on it and when i decided to sold it... tis kind of things happens.

My friend, hu used to play yu-gi-oh, was considered the best and the strongest player in his primary school. due to certain reasons, his dad, tore his cards by half 1 by 1 in front of his eyes!
OMG! its too horrible! he witnessed his cards being destroyed in front of his eyes while he can do nth abt it. sad rite?

My fren cried tt night..... oh man~~~~ it was so hard for him and me....

i really wish we could do smthn to get our cards back.....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My cards!

hi guys! 2day im gonna post abt my "yu-gi-oh" cards. i used to play yu-gi-oh, and i consider myself
gd enough to beat quite a few of my opponents. at my sch, none of the lower sec students can defeat me. HAHA! Due to some reasons, i lost my cards and im now terribly missing them....

Did you guys heard abt an incident whr a boy was left to die by his mother. Sadly, some wild dogs attacked him. i can say tt his future is gone. Tis boy is gonna face alot challenges from now on, both physically and mentally. he has to be prepared....

Anyways, me and my frens gonnna go NAFA ( Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts ) tis saturday, caz we hav passion in arts!
hopefully, its gonna be fun. heehee! ^^

tts all for now, bb =)

Monday, January 12, 2009


hi guys! yup the results r out and 2day we were told to go and experience the " marvelous " view of ppl getting their result. o.0 anyways, quite a few of our sch students went to dye their hair! and some of them hav their hair long, obviously. HAHA.

anyways, hav u guys watched the JAY CHOU movie? " SECRET " my fren told me that the movie is damn nice! and watch the battle of the piano between JAY CHOU and a guy hu is oso damn pro in the piano lar! wth! i wish i can be lyk them lor, if oni i can get a piano i will surely practice untill i be lyk them! HAHA

do u guys noe tt everytime, when i create a new post, i will listen to the piano battle music. and whenever they music goes fas so as my typing. its lyk i imagine tt im paying piano when typing tis post, so my speed would be SUPER FAST!

ok, tts all for now BB!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sunday, Jan 11, 2009

hi all! 2day my parents went out so i took the chance to watch ghost whisperer. ghost whisperer is my fave show.
i am oso in luv wif piano. i wanna learn piano i was told tt i can get a piano if i do well in my " O " lvl tis year.
i am currently watching code geass, trying to watch finish, still at season 2. argh!!
i nid to catch up with my studies, sian! i was lyk slacking through most of my subjects and i kinda regret it now caz its NVR easy to catch up oh man!
juz posted my new drawings at : : hopefully there are comments to it. heehee! im still learning how to draw so ignore the ugly parts of my drawings but be MESMERIZED by the baeutiful part of my drawings. haha!

tts all for now. o.0