Faith rarely calls upon us at the moment of our choosing

To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise This to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chinatown & Clark Quay

Hi guys!! We went to Chinatown the other day. For what? Figure shops of course!!! ( This cloud may look like he is small BUT he is actually quite BIG!! ) This figure was on display during the AFA 08 cosplay and now its here! HAHA~~
There were not 1 not 2 but more than 7 figure and cosplay shops in the mall!
Oh man, the place was like heaven~~
The shops name includes the word ACE, thats why i "fell in love" on the first sight of the shop
Woah!! There were so MANY doraemon figures!! They can actually be your audience if your gonna practice for the upcoming singing competition or smthn.... Heehee~~
Tons of Gachapons!!
Yeah, thats me and Cher See. ( I'm pointing at a cute, Hot figure to Cher See )

So many MANY and MANY Kawaii and Kakoii Figures~~~
Random shots taken on the cool and new Nikon D 90!!
We were suppose to buy MELON BREAD~~ untill our famous Gakusei ( hui ning ) forgot where is the shop.... She still owes me a melon bread! Muahahaha
We were trying to find the shop untill we came here---- End Of The Road~~

these camerra shops were everywhere! When I say everywhere, i mean EVERYWHERE!

RED Alert~~

Cute stones~

We went to Clark Quay when we saw some ppl shooting some drama or something.. Heehee ( All these ppl did'nt realise that they were taken picture by us. Muahaha )

The grand liang court, We went to Kinokuya, OMG! another heaven, so many and MANY anime books!!!


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