I was fooling around on my comp untill I saw some of my old cosplay photos, and I decided to put them up here, Haha!! ( Shana~~ She sang the Shana song. Lol )
Woah ~~ Her outfit is so grand.. and the thing that she is holding is so kawaii~
Miku~~~ =)
She is kinda cute We didn't had the courage to ask her for the shoot but my brave friend, Cher See Saved the day~~ Yay ^^
Ciel and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji~~ ( That Sebastian looks like my primary friend.. o.0 )
this Sasuke looks better than the other Sasuke I saw...
Jasdero~~ Noah twins symbolizing Bond. ( D Gray Man )
Ouch** Road Kamelot feels pain... =(
I call him the bucket guy! ^^
O.0 His out fit is cool and his weapons ROX..
Jigoku Shoujo. she looks creepy....
Earl of Milliunuem. He must be hot and pespiring in that costume.. Haha
Kadaj and Yazoo. thay look cool..
This was Gakusei's fave character. Haha! When he was asked to pose, all he did was staring on the floor. HAHAHA
General Cross and Maria~~
Road and Maria? Did Road betray the Noah?
The whole D Gray Man charaters that were there. HAHA
Miku, she looks cute =)
Krory and Kanda
This is the other Sasuke I was toking about
Lelouch and C.C. from Code Geass ( 1 of my favourite anime )
The Shana figure!!
another Shana figure!!
Danny Choo
4 years ago
I saw some of the same characters at Anime Fest 08.
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